The creators decided to put the player in a new setting full of snow mountains and cities with a very european look with walls castles and even a theme park with dinosaurs. Vikendi is a middle ground between the huge maps of erangel and miramar with sanhok the little green hell with 6 6 km area. Pubg vikendi wallpaper pubg background 4k secret loot cave pubg xbox podvosto cave secret cave in pubg origianal map vikendi cave entrance hidden places in pubg mobile vikendi vikendi mountains secret cave in pubg mi amar vikendi map pubg mobil cave sanhok pubg secret cave pubg loot crate secret cave vekindi pubg mobile.
Pubg mobile best funny wtf epic moments pubg mobile funny fails bugs glitches duration. The best pubg loot locations on erangel. Vikendi or look at all of the best pubg loot locations in one place.
Pubg loot can be found all over the place. Playerunknownsbattlegrounds hidden secrets duration. Pubg gameplay vikendi pubg xbox update pubg patch pubg night mode pubg chocotaco vikendi map.
The only way to uncover these hidden entrances is to drive a vehicle or throw a grenade into the pile of rocks at any of these three entrances. Vikendi s cave entrances pubg corp. Basically this secret place is near podvosto in vikendi.
It is a secret best loot spot in pubg mobile snow map. It s pubg mobile hidden cave location in vikendi map. Easily you can find level 3 m24 and groza vest and helmet.
Although the place is no longer so secret the high probability of loot continues to attract players. Find out how to get to the secret cave of the vikendi map on pubg and pubg mobile using our guide. Choosing a good landing spot is a key element to have a good start and preparation to get chicken dinner.
Hidden place in vikendi. Pubg mobile vikendi secret place to camp pubg mobile vikendi secret place to snipe best places to hide in pubg mobile best places to hide camp snipe pubg mobile pubg mobile vikendi best. The secret place in pubg mobile vikendi map has a lot of amazing loots.
The secret place in pubg mobile vikendi map has a lot of amazing loots. Pubg mobile vikendi secret place to camp pubg mobile vikendi secret place to snipe best places to hide in pubg mobile best places to hide camp snipe pubg mobile pubg mobile vikendi best.