We ll do our best to filter common vulgar words bullying anything related to sex and any harmful content based on protected. At this level our filter detects and blocks as much potentially offensive content as possible without interfering with discussions of themes common to games and speech most people would consider normal. You can click on that placeholder to learn more about the settings and there s a handy shortcut to go change those settings.
Whenever you receive a message that s beyond your safety setting it ll be replaced with a potentially offensive message hidden placeholder. At xbox we are investing in building a positive gaming community. G o media may.
Filtered messages show up on xbox live as potentially offensive message hidden users can click the message to see what was sent to them and report the message if they want. On one hand i like how the xbox team is trying to reduce harassment and make gaming fun for everyone. Personally i feel a bit torn.
I m curious how others feel about a step like this though. It s been awhile since i ve received an offensive message since i ve been playing single player games modes lately. If this isn t new then my bad.
You can click on that placeholder to learn more about the settings and there s a. Potentially offensive message hidden placeholder. Xbox is getting content filters to block nasty messages.
If a message contains offensive words the message will instead say potentially offensive message hidden with content filtration it s essential that every player has the ability to choose their own filtration level and that the settings work for gamers of all ages xbox said. When the automated filters flag content they ll screen out the text with a placeholder that reads potentially offensive message hidden you can then click on the placeholder to see what was said. If a message is blocked the end user receives a warning instead of the actual underlying content that reads potentially offensive message hidden a users logged into xbox live as an adult can.