As a result you have to find as many methods as possible to use items so you are not a sitting duck more. You never know when an enemy is going to snipe you from across a field or corner you in a house. One of the craziest things about playing pubg is that you could be alone one minute and then fight for your life the next.
Secret loot places pubg pubg secret tunnel location top 5 secret trick in pubg mobile silent walk best hidden secret trick blank screen troll pubg mobile subham gamer online multiplayer. Secret cave duration. Top 5 new secret locations in pubg mobile.
Pubg mobile best places to hide camp snipe in erangel duration. Crouching in a bush as daft as it may seem can be surprisingly effective. Now you know where s worth visiting but you should also know how to survive in order to reach those places if you haven t managed to grab a vehicle.
Pubg s erangel map tips. But after you know all these secret places you can. That too in all hot drop where you ll die with descending.
Let s start all these three secret places are in the erangel map. These all pubg mobile secret locations are hot drops of the game. Want to know these pubg mobile secrets.
The 3 secret places in pubg mobile that will make you invisible. The best pubg loot locations despite. Pubg loot can be found all over the place but spend some real time with the game and you ll quickly realise some places are consistently better than others.
Pubg hidden places. Top 10 secret hidden locations in pubg mobile you never knew. Here are the top 10 secret hiding places for campers and as well as best spots for sniping in pubg mobile you may not know pubg mobile. Best secret high loot location in pubg mobile flare gun secret location. I hope you enjoy our videos please like and share our videos with your friends.
Sktube pubgmobile flaregun bestloot. Pubg mobile lite secret places on varenga map. Varenga is a lite version of erangel in pubg mobile lite with grassy terrain and many residential areas. To get chicken dinner in every match you should know these secret pubg mobile lite hidden places.
The very first pubg mobile lite secret place is the stadium. It s one of the best. One of the top hidden places in pubg mobile erangel is a secret hole in prison that only a few players know. Most pubg mobile players will ignore this hole.
But sometimes there can be an enemy hiding there and waiting to kill you.
But sometimes there can be an enemy hiding there and waiting to kill you. Most pubg mobile players will ignore this hole. One of the top hidden places in pubg mobile erangel is a secret hole in prison that only a few players know.
It s one of the best. The very first pubg mobile lite secret place is the stadium. To get chicken dinner in every match you should know these secret pubg mobile lite hidden places.
Varenga is a lite version of erangel in pubg mobile lite with grassy terrain and many residential areas. Pubg mobile lite secret places on varenga map. Sktube pubgmobile flaregun bestloot.
I hope you enjoy our videos please like and share our videos with your friends. Best secret high loot location in pubg mobile flare gun secret location. Here are the top 10 secret hiding places for campers and as well as best spots for sniping in pubg mobile you may not know pubg mobile.
Top 10 secret hidden locations in pubg mobile you never knew.